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Dorra Zarrouk: Enchanting on Red Carpets and Beyond

ELGOUNA film festival 2024

A Journey Through Exquisite Evening Wear and Effortless Day Looks

Reconnecting with yourself in the modern world

Celebrating the Blend of Free Spirit and Refined Elegance

Featuring a distinguished line-up of participant art galleries, the sixth edition will celebrate the rich art of the Middle East and North African region

El Gouna Film Festival (GFF) proudly announced the details of its 7th edition, set to take place from October 24 to November 1, 2024

Zamalek Triumphs Over Rivals Al Ahly in a Nail-Biting Penalty Shootout


Discover the Best Red Carpet Moments of Egypt’s Beloved Actress, Celebrating Empowerment in Every Look

Celebrating a legacy: the festival recognizes Hemida's impact on Egyptian film and culture

The Stylish Ambassador Bridging Film and Fashion in Egypt's Cultural Landscape

An expert led script on how to answer "Why are you still single?"

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اشترك في النشرة الإخبارية المجانية للحصول على دليلك لاتجاهات الموضة ونقاط الحوار الثقافية وأخبار المشاهير والنصائح الحصرية.