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Luxurious Layers of Leather: The Dominance of Leather in Fall/Winter 2024

Luxurious Layers of Leather: The Dominance of Leather in Fall/Winter 2024

Penhaligon’s bakery-inspired campaign brings festive fun to the art of gifting

ELLE sits down with Mohamed Abou Ghaly, CEO of Abou Ghaly Motors and a prominent Senator, for an in-depth conversation about his journey, leadership, and the future of Egypt's automotive industry

The design house celebrates the world of Formula Racing

Saint Laurent unveils a series of short films directed by Nadia Lee Cohen

A story that rediscovers enchantment in the ordinary and modern femininity

Rami Kadi Illuminates United Nations Global Impact Awards with Captivating Fashion Show


The prints of the season are expressing stories of nostalgia, escape, and bold individuality

A glamorous night of fashion and artistry, on and off stage

Model Mai Yackout creates a collection where timeless elegance meets modern modesty

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