Hello September, the month that sweeps in with a crisp whisper of autumn and a fresh burst of cosmic energy! As the leaves start to turn and the days get shorter, the stars are ready to align and guide you through a transformative journey. Whether you’re seeking balance, adventure, or a touch of celestial magic, this month’s horoscope will help you harness the cosmic vibes and make the most of September’s stellar opportunities. Buckle up and get ready for a month of exciting shifts and celestial insights!
21 MARCH – 19 APRIL- You’re under the influence of softer planets than usual for the next few weeks, and could find yourself making choices based on sentiment rather than practicality. As long as it’s just with small things, there’s no problem – but other people may try to take advantage, and push you into agreeing to what they want when previously you would have said no. Wait for your normal energies and sharp thinking to return.
20 APRIL – 20 MAY- It seems that you are having to pour more and
more money into a love affair to keep it going. Of course, you always have a great time when you are having a glitzy night out together, but you can’t help thinking that the love ought to be there on ordinary working days too; if it isn’t, you’re right to be worried. Put your own interests first. Don’t feel you have to stay with it if you know it’s not what you want.
21 MAY – 21 JUNE- It’s often better simply to hold something in front of you as an icon, or a model; if you actually attain it, the reality can be disappointing, and that seems to be the case now with a career move which is a lot less inspiring close up than it was when you were further away. But if you haven’t made a firm commitment to it yet, you can let it go – and a week later you will find something genuinely new and far more exciting.
22 JUNE – 22 JULY- Superficial differences of opinion or taste are easy to identify, but also easy to work around. Deeper differences are harder to find, and very difficult to resolve once revealed. As you will realize, the real issue is not in the relationship at all, but in you, and in the set of values and beliefs you brought with you. If these are to continue to be useful, they must also be flexible; loosen them a little, and allow yourself to grow.
23 JULY – 22 AUGUST- To get to where you want to be, you have to
move from where you are. It sounds obvious, but you are too closely attached to your present location and lifestyle to uproot yourself completely and take a risk on an unknown future. Maybe you are trying to find a way to move
forwards without letting go of what you have. It’s not possible: as every explorer knows, to go far, you have to be prepared to travel light.
23 AUGUST – 22 SEPTEMBER- For all Virgos, perfection is the ultimate goal,
and you will do all you can to reach it. But nothing is ever truly perfect, and there is a real risk of ending up with nothing at all if you set your standards too high. Right now you face a decision about a personal relationship. Can you live with its imperfections, and accept it as it is? Or is that asking too much? Think about the long term before making your final choice.
23 SEPTEMBER – 23 OCTOBER- Sometimes when you meet someone for
the first time, you can tell in those first seconds that you will want to see them again. You also know that if you form a relationship with them, it probably won’t end well – yet you still want it. That’s all in the future, because right now you’re both busy with other things and it will be some months before you can pursue your desires. But at least you’ve met; that’s a start.
24 OCTOBER – 22 NOVEMBER- If you think you’ve gone too far or too fast before you were ready, then the next few weeks will let you take a step back to where you were earlier in the year. It’s not really an escape route, it’s just a little pause, giving you time to stop and think, to make any necessary adjustments, or to say what you should have said earlier. You’ll be moving forward again in a month or so – but this time you’ll be better prepared.
23 NOVEMBER – 22 DECEMBER- When the outer planets make demands on you then obviously, you have to do what’s necessary to resolve the crisis they create. But there are a few times during the year when you are free of such pressures, and this is one of them. It’s tempting just to take it easy and indulge yourself- but it’s also a good time for thinking about where you are and where you’re going. If you look, you’ll see a new path emerging.
23 DECEMBER – 20 JANUARY- You know what you are good at, and you focus on that – but you have other talents, too, which you have always ignored. A once-a-decade alignment of planets now urges you to try something that you have often talked about, but never actually done. It could be the start of a new career – but more importantly, it will help you find a part of yourself you somehow sensed was always there, but couldn’t reach.
21 JANUARY – 19 FEBRUARY- For the last few months you have been trying
to be what others want you to be, and to push forwards even though you have no real idea of which direction to take. Now, as your ruler Uranus comes to a halt in the base sector of your chart, you realize you have no more energy
for such empty endeavors. You need to connect with your roots, and re-establish your own identity. Let everything else wait.
20 FEBRUARY – 20 MARCH- Relationship issues that you thought you had
left in the past seem to have come back. Naturally, you are disappointed at having to go through it all again, but since you have been here before, you know what happens next, and you also know that it won’t hurt as much as it
did last time. The only question you need to ask is whether you really want this as a regular part of your life. If not, re-set the rules.