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Pick Me Guys At Weddings: Signs To Look Out For

A guide to avoid attention-seekers


With the wedding season approaching, we can’t help but make a PSA for our girls to spot the pick me guys at weddings. We know you put in all the effort to serve looks, perhaps in hopes to find an eligible bachelor, or not. What matters more is for you to have a fun night amongst friends and family. We cannot deny the fact that weddings are a love matching playground, which is why you need to lookout for the guys who do the following: 


The guy who can only speak in jokes. You find him intruding a conversation to drop an insulting comment about another guy because he just got engaged. This type of guy finds it so necessary to be perceived as funny on behalf of other people’s issues and lives. Perhaps if he asks for your number, hand him a therapist’s number instead, we all know he needs it.  


That one is quite similar to the comedian. Being around this guy is as uncomfortable as having someone answer their phone on loudspeaker in a museum’s silent room.  Hogging onto the microphone all the time is his full-time job at a wedding. We advise you to avoid this dude as his mom probably ignored him too much in his childhood. Besides, who goes to a wedding to have conversations? Try not to get sucked into endless chit chat with this one, just say I have to go to the restroom and escape to the dancefloor.   


The guy who cannot wait to unbutton his shirt and roll up his sleeves to show his gym progress. Avoid this self-obsessed pick me guy who wants to always show off. To spot this one, all you must do is pull out a phone and before your phone flashes, you’ll find him posing. Imagine dating this guy, he will have his meals prepared more than your dates. Guys need to understand that the shred is not everything, girls want a gentleman. To be completely transparent, who doesn’t enjoy some eye candy? We all fall victim for this one at some point. 


The one who is always on his phone. We all know that one guy who is glued to the screen, always online. Whether he is keeping up with socials or drafting his next business proposal email. There’s no valid reason for you to sit and be on your phone while your friends are having their once (or twice) in a lifetime experience. This guy always wants to look busy and on the go, but we all know he’s just a finance bro, you’re not curing cancer, calm down. 

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