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Detox Your Wardrobe

Before you say, “You have nothing to wear, " let’s clean your wardrobe, and then we can talk

Detox Your Wardrobe

1)  Take your time: Ideally, to detox your wardrobe, you need to commit to it for half a day. Preferably with no one around including your kids, husband, or your girlfriends.

2)  Empty everything: Take everything out; clothes, shoes, bags, jewelry, scarves, and underwear.

Detox Your Wardrobe

3)  Separate items into bags:

One to throw away: worn out, stained, or damaged clothes and accessories (including enlarged underwear or socks with chewed heels.

One to give away: Clothes that are still in good condition, but which have not followed your weight curve. Those from another age no longer make you look attractive or make you feel happy.

On to sell: Designer clothes or any clothes and accessories that are in good shape but you want to part with. Be ruthless. If you haven’t worn something over a year, then let it go.

Finally to refresh: Clothes that you no longer wear because they have a small repairable tear and those that need a simple refresh.

Detox your wardrobe

4) Put aside the clothes that you wear most often: Ensure it’s something you love or have a purpose. These sure values only represent 20% of your wardrobe. Your goal is to wear 90% of it every day. The remaining 10% are exceptional pieces to wear in the evening.

5)  Try them on, now you get to the heart of the matter. This part will take you at least 2 hours. Put on the abandoned clothes. Your wardrobe has officially evolved. You might find something to wear them with! The rule is to only keep clothes that make you look good.

Detox Your Wardrobe

6)  Create looks: It’s time to play the stylist. Compose looks on you or flat on your bed. As soon as you like one, take a photo of it and stick your photos inside your closet, you no longer have an excuse to miss your morning outfit.

7)  Identify what is missing: While you’re trying your clothes on, you will realize that you don’t have the perfect white shirt that goes perfectly with your black jacket. Make a list for future shopping.

Detox Your Wardrobe

8)  Sort out your clothes: Summer, winter and in-between. A pair of white jeans is not only perfect in summer, but you can also wear them in between seasons or in winter with your favorite black boots and camel coat.

9)  Re-organise your wardrobe: Dresses, shirts, jackets on hangers. T-shirts in piles of the same color or long sleeves together and short sleeves together. Organize your wardrobe by looks.

Detox Your Wardrobe

You will feel lighter after this wardrobe detox. You will be able to see your wardrobe in one go. A smaller perfectly curated wardrobe with clothes that truly suits you and make you look great will give you more joy to dress up than a jam-packed wardrobe with items you never wear or don’t make you feel special.

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