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December Horoscopes: A Time for Magic, Hope, and New Beginnings

We know you’ve been wondering how this year’s wrapping up

december horoscopes

As the year winds down and the holiday cheer fills the air, the cosmos are preparing for a season of sparkling possibilities. December brings a dash of magic to each zodiac sign, inviting us to reflect, reset, and embrace the fresh energy of the new year ahead. Whether you’re feeling the urge to wrap up loose ends or launch into something new, the stars are here to guide you toward growth, connection, and a little festive fun. Ready to see what the universe has in store for you this month? Let’s dive in! 


This month you see your situation from a different perspective, and you don’t like what you see. Worse, you are tied to it by various promises and obligations, which means that for now you must continue doing things you don’t agree with. Changing your job will be relatively easy; putting necessary distance into certain friendships without breaking them completely will be more difficult, but it has to be done.


You should have gotten together years ago, but you didn’t. You missed your moment, as both of you admit. Plus, you never took each other entirely seriously: even now, as you find yourselves getting close again, you think of it as a sort of game, or a joke. But as you get to know each other better, you find that you’re each quite different from what you assumed or expected – and also that you’re really good together.


You’re beginning to think that a recent career move, or a relocation, might have been a mistake. Everything in life has ups and downs; all that’s happening now is that you have hit two downs at the same time, making you wish you could take your life back to the way it used to be. What you need is a little encouragement – some success to make you feel positive about the future again. The 15th should provide it. 


The Libran life is always so nicely balanced, with nothing to extremes – until now. The sensation of wanting something so much that you can’t think of anything else is a new one for you, and although you try your best to distract yourself, nothing seems to work. This is not sweet romance, this is real passion. Better get used to it; with the outer planets where they are, there’s quite a lot of it in the next few years.


A new career role may not be as easy as you thought. It puts you in a prominent and visible position, which makes you feel exposed and vulnerable. Step back a little, if you can, and re-think the way you work. Be particularly careful of any tempting new strategies for long-term success which present themselves now; they offer high rewards, but they are also very risky. Take advice from others before you say yes.


Sagittarians are full of ideas, though it would be impossible to turn all of them into reality. Nonetheless, it would be good if you were to make at least one of them happen, so that your supporters don’t lose faith in you. A project you first talked about in August is still waiting for you; perhaps the planets are testing you, to see if you’re still interested. You have enough time and money to do it, so make a start.


You are used to fighting your way to the top, but there are also times when opportunities simply open up, and all you have to do is go with them. There’s one this month. The first thing to do is to recognize it, because it’s in the background of your life, not right in front of you. The second is to accept that it’s not your usual sort of thing, but that it does have potential. The third is to trust it. You’ll be fine.


There is a firm intellectual framework to your life. You express your most deeply held beliefs in everything you do. But as well as doing things for the right reasons, maybe there is also some value in doing things for the wrong ones – because they’re fun, or they break the rules, or just because they’re different. You have become too solidly fixed; if you want to move forwards, relax your rules a little.


You have a tendency to view any opportunity not so much as a gateway to the future but simply as a way to escape the constraints of your present position – and that may mean you go from one difficult situation straight into another. Early December could put you under pressure for a few days, prompting you to make a move- but look at all the options available to you, not just the first one you find.

Happy December!

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